7 April, 2023

When And Why You Might Want To Have Gastric Bypass Surgery Revision?

Many patients who undergo bariatric gastric bypass surgery regain a large percentage of the weight they previously lost. Statistics report that 1/5 of patients will gain all their previously lost weight back and the rest will experience weight regain of approximately 30%.

This can happen for many reasons including reverting back to old lifestyle habits, changes in metabolism due to hormones, medications, medical conditions, etc. Sometimes weight gain happens gradually over a period of time because the results of their previous bariatric surgery have been compromised.

Today, we’re going to discuss a procedure that can correct anatomical changes that may have taken place and are promoting weight gain. Gastric bypass surgery revision can help restart the weight loss process and prevent additional regain.

Why Would You Need Revision Surgery For Gastric Bypass?

One of the most effective surgical procedures used to treat obesity is a gastric bypass or a Roux-en-Y. This surgery not only makes the patient’s stomach smaller to encourage portion control but it also alters their digestive system to prevent their bodies from absorbing all the calories from the food they do ingest. These two weight-loss techniques are referred to as restrictive and malabsorptive. These weight loss techniques sometimes become ineffective over time, resulting in weight gain.

For example, during gastric bypass surgery, the patient’s stomach size is significantly reduced through the excision of about 75% of stomach tissue. The doctor creates a new, smaller stomach from the portion that remains. If the patient constantly eats just a little too much, the stomach can stretch out gradually without them even knowing. Each time they sit down for a meal, their stomach may allow them to eat a bit more until it results in the expansion of their stomach capacity and eventually weight gain.

Another issue that can arise is that the stoma (the junction where the stomach meets the rest of the digestive tract) can become enlarged, allowing the food to pass through more quickly, which causes patients to get hungry more often.

These changes can be repaired and the original restrictive nature of your gastric bypass surgery can be restored through gastric bypass surgery revision.

Signs That Gastric Bypass Surgery Revision May Be Needed

Consideration should be given to a revision procedure after a gastric bypass if:

  1. The patient’s weight loss was inadequate;
  2. After experiencing an initial weight loss, the patient experienced a significant weight gain;
  3. The patient is experiencing unanticipated side effects;
  4. The modifications will prevent further weight gain and promote weight loss.

What Causes People To Gain Weight After Gastric Bypass Surgery?

People who opt for gastric bypass surgery may experience dramatic weight loss as a result of the procedure but losing weight and keeping it off is a continuous process that necessitates a permanent dedication to adopting healthier behaviors. Individuals may stop losing weight after their surgery or even gain a significant amount of their weight back. Several factors play a part in why this may occur, including the following:

  • Sometimes, a patient’s metabolism can be counterproductive to weight loss efforts. In order to conserve energy, the body slows its metabolic rate when a person drastically reduces the amount of food they eat. The goal of this adaptive process is to reduce calorie expenditure and prolong life;
  • It’s possible that the patient wasn’t a great candidate for the prior bariatric procedure;
  • The body can undergo changes over time that will make the restrictive effects of the initial bariatric operation less severe, allowing for a higher caloric intake. Most frequently, this occurs when the connection between the small intestine and the stomach widens;
  • Some patients may gain weight because they consume just enough extra food to cause their stomach pouch to expand. This causes them to progressively need more food to feel full, which in turn leads them to eat more;
  • Patients’ efforts to lose weight are often thwarted when they experience stress and return to old eating and lifestyle habits. To avoid putting on the extra weight and promote weight loss, stress management is essential. When we’re under pressure, our bodies release the hormone cortisol, which triggers the body to hoard excess fat.

Getting back on track and getting a handle on weight gain can be accomplished through a revision to gastric bypass surgery.

What Is The Best Revision Surgery For Gastric Bypass?

This is a very popular question and the answer may surprise you. The best revision for gastric bypass surgery is done without any type of surgery. The process for performing these revisions is often referred to as a TORe procedure or transoral outlet reduction.

The repairs needed to tighten up the smaller stomach pouch and reduce the size of the stoma opening are done during a non-surgical endoscopic procedure.

How Are The Revisions To Gastric Bypass Surgery Completed?

Historically, when patients needed a revision to gastric bypass surgery, it involved undergoing another surgical procedure. Today, modifications can be made to make repairs to restore the restrictive capabilities of an existing gastric bypass without using surgery.

These repairs are conducted through endoscopy, which is a non-surgical procedure that uses a special medical device to access the patient’s stomach without using incisions. An endoscope is a special device that resembles a long, flexible hose but it is special because it has an attached camera. The camera records the entire procedure as well as provides instantaneous streaming video to help guide the doctor who is performing the procedure.

While the patient is under sedation, the procedure is conducted through the endoscope, which has been carefully placed down the throat through the mouth. The tiny suturing tool needed to make the repairs is passed through the endoscope and down to the correct location. The doctor then reduces the size of the stoma and the stomach with strategically placed sutures to stop the patient from continuing to gain weight and to promote further weight loss.

Gastric bypass revision

The entire procedure normally takes less than an hour to perform and since there are no incisions, there is no hospital stay necessary. After a short observation period, patients are free to return to the comfort of their own homes to rest.

What Is The Recovery After Revision of Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Because of the residual effects of anesthesia and the need for you to rest and recuperate after a gastric bypass surgery revision, you will require a ride home. Most doctors advise their patients not to drive for at least five days after their procedure.

Within a few days, the majority of revision patients can resume their normal activities, and most are back to work in just two to three days. Your physician will give you detailed instructions on how soon you can return to work, particularly if your job requires strenuous physical activity or lifting. The doctor will supply you with dietary guidelines to help you get your weight loss program back on track without unpleasant side effects. You may find that these guidelines are identical to those you were given right after your initial gastric bypass procedure.

What Advantages Over Gastric Bypass Revision Surgery Does Endoscopy Offer?

Undergoing an endoscopic procedure vs. surgery offers many advantages, including the following:

  • It is a significantly less invasive process because no incisions are required;
  • A hospital stay is unnecessary because this procedure is administered on an outpatient basis;
  • In contrast to corrective surgery, the endoscopic revision of gastric bypass surgery only takes a fraction of the time to complete;
  • The patient has less than one percent risk of experiencing complications;
  • The potential for weight loss from the original bariatric procedure can be reestablished in less than an hour.

How Much Weight Can I Lose After An Endoscopic Revision Compared To Gastric Bypass Surgery?

While reports of greater weight loss after gastric bypass revisions are common, the average weight loss experienced by most is between 10 and 15 percent of the person’s total body weight.

The revision for gastric bypass surgery helps people reach and keep their weight loss goals by stopping them from gaining more weight and making them more likely to lose weight in the future.

Contact Simmons Advanced Weight Loss Today To Restart Your Weight Loss!

Despite the average success rate of bariatric surgery, some patients may experience rebound weight gain or a plateau in their weight reduction.

We recognize how discouraging it can be to learn that you’ve gained back a lot of the weight you lost after bariatric surgery. Regaining weight is a common problem and we’re here to help you just like we have helped others who were in a similar position. These patients have since been able to prevent further weight gain and move forward with gaining control to maintain a healthy weight.

If you’re having trouble getting your weight loss back on track or you find yourself in this situation, please do not let it become worse. Reach out to Simmons Advanced Weight Loss Solutions as soon as possible and one of our highly trained experts will work with you to develop a plan that can help you reach your goals. A revision to gastric bypass surgery may be the solution to what is holding back your weight loss attempts. Contact us today and set up an appointment so we can work together to find the best solution for your circumstances.

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