Gastric Bypass Revision
8 February, 2024

What To Expect From A Gastric Bypass Revision

The majority of patients who undergo bypass surgery will gradually gain back 30 percent of the weight they lost and one in five patients will gain back all the weight they lost.

A bariatric revision procedure that is performed endoscopically can restore the restrictive elements of the initial gastric bypass surgery. The procedure is called TORe (Transoral Outlet Reduction) and is a treatment that can be performed as an outpatient procedure and does not require any incisions. This revision reduces the size of the stomach pouch and restores the smaller stoma of the original gastric bypass surgery.

Today, we will discuss the TORe revision procedure, how long the procedure takes, what you can expect from recovery, and the average weight loss after gastric bypass revision.

How Does Gastric Bypass Surgery Help An Individual Lose Weight?

Roux-en-Y bypass, which is another name for gastric bypass surgery, is a surgical procedure that helps obese people lose weight by using both restrictive and malabsorptive weight loss methods.

The restrictive approach works by decreasing the size of a person’s stomach capacity and limiting the number of calories they can consume in a single meal. As a result, patients feel “full” for a longer period of time since it takes longer for the food they consume to digest.

Gastric bypass surgery also incorporates a malabsorptive technique that involves making changes to the digestive system so the body does not absorb or store all the calories consumed.

Why Would An Individual Want To Have A Gastric Bypass Revision?

  • The patient’s weight loss was insufficient;
  • The initial weight loss is followed by a significant weight gain;
  • Unanticipated complications;
  • The revision inhibits weight gain and promotes weight loss.

Patients who have gastric bypass surgery have the opportunity to experience significant weight loss. Getting rid of this excess weight and maintaining a healthy weight is a process that never ends and takes a commitment to lead a healthy lifestyle going forward.

Patients may experience weight reduction plateaus or begin to gain weight for an assortment of reasons, including the following:

  • When attempting to lose weight, a patient’s metabolism may work against them. When a person reduces the amount of food they consume in an effort to slim down, their bodies respond by slowing down their metabolism. This assists them in conserving energy by causing them to burn fewer calories;
  • Unfortunately, not every bariatric procedure is a perfect fit for every patient;
  • Patients can overeat just enough to make their stomach pouch stretch, which makes it bigger and makes it easier for them to eat more;
  • It is possible for anatomical alterations to take place that reverse the restrictive nature of bariatric surgery while increasing the amount of food that can be consumed. The most frequent occurrence is the increase in size of the connection between the stomach and small intestine;
  • Sometimes the surgery that was performed results in long-term adverse side effects like chronic acid reflux, which requires correction;
  • Patients often revert to weight-gaining behaviors when “life happens” and they begin to make unhealthy choices that are contradictory to their weight loss efforts;
  • Stress management plays an important role in preventing weight gain and promoting weight loss;
  • Stress causes the body to create the hormone cortisol, which urges the body to hold on to whatever excess fat it has.

A bariatric revision procedure can help them resume their weight loss and get their health back on track.

How Much Weight Do You Lose After Gastric Bypass Revision?

The average weight loss after gastric bypass revision is generally between 10 and 15 percent of the individual’s total body weight but we have seen many instances of higher weight loss numbers. The revision of gastric bypass allows patients to not only lose a significant amount of weight but also keep it off long-term.

How Does The Endoscopic Gastric Bypass Revision Procedure Work?

An endoscopic bariatric revision of gastric bypass surgery is a non-surgical technique that is used to modify an existing gastric bypass surgery to correct issues that are inhibiting weight loss or promoting weight gain.

Because the revision is performed with the use of an endoscope, the patient does not need to have any incisions made or spend any time in the hospital.

A long, hollow, flexible tube with a camera attached called an endoscope is inserted into the patient’s mouth and down the throat. The endoscope allows a special suturing device access to the procedure location, which is used to strategically place sutures that will tighten the opening to the stomach (stoma) and decrease the size of the stomach pouch. After the procedure, the individual’s functional stomach capacity is reduced to its former size (or smaller), as it was immediately after their initial gastric bypass.

Gastric bypass revision

What Are the Advantages of Gastric Bypass Revision?

  • It does not require incisions and is far less intrusive;
  • When compared to surgical intervention, the procedure duration is significantly shorter;
  • It is an outpatient procedure requiring no hospital stay;
  • There are fewer potential complications;
  • Restores the first bariatric operation’s weight loss potential.

Recovery After An Endoscopic Gastric Bypass Revision

You will require a ride home following your OverStitch treatment, as most bariatric surgeons advise against driving for approximately 5 days.

The majority of patients recover from the treatment within a week. If your occupation requires extensive physical activity or heavy lifting, your surgeon will provide return-to-work instructions.

Similar to immediately after your gastric bypass surgery, you will be given dietary instructions to follow during the first several weeks.

Bariatric Revision Can Help Get You Back On Track For Weight Loss

Despite the high success rate of bariatric surgery, some individuals experience weight gain or a permanent plateau. Regardless of the reason why their previous weight loss procedure is no longer beneficial, an endoscopic bariatric revision can remedy the situation. Ask your endoscopic specialist to share their gastric bypass revision success stories with you or show you gastric bypass revision before and after pictures of previous patients for inspiration.

After having bariatric surgery, it can be upsetting to gain back a lot of the weight you have lost. If you are regaining weight, you are not alone and there is help available! We have helped others stop their weight gain and regain control over their weight loss journeys.

Contact Simmons MD Advanced Weight Loss Solutions today and avoid allowing the situation to escalate. One of our qualified professionals can assist you in developing a plan to get you back on track. Call or set up your appointment online today!

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