BMI range for man & woman
24 September, 2023

What Is A Good BMI?

Obesity has become a global issue that hinders the lives of many people of all ages and genders. Obesity is not just excess weight; it is a non-communicable disease that affects the well-being of people and even leads to the deaths of millions of people annually. Across the world, it was estimated that people lost around 160 million years of healthy life due to obesity. Also, studies show that women are more susceptible to developing obesity than men. According to projections, by 2030, every fifth woman and every seventh man will have a high BMI. The term high BMI has become synonymous with obesity. Let’s talk more about BMI.

What Is A Good BMI?

The first step to solving any problem is identifying and measuring it. Body Mass Index (BMI) is a popular screening tool for estimating weight status and the potential health risks associated with it. Basically, BMI is a simplified formula that takes height and weight to calculate the figure that stands for the level of body fat. It is used to indicate whether you are underweight, overweight, obese, or have a healthy weight for your body.

Generally, a good BMI is in the range of 18.5 to 24.9. If your BMI is less than 18.5, then you are considered underweight. On the other hand, having a BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight. A high BMI, which falls into the category of obesity, starts at 30 and goes higher.

BMI scale

What Is A Good BMI For Women?

BMI does not distinguish between men and women. It also does not differentiate between fat and muscles. So, even if someone has muscles and a low level of body fat, their BMI might still categorize them as overweight or obese.

Still, a good BMI for women would be in the range of 18.5 and 24.9, but there are more things to consider when deciding whether a woman is safe from being overweight or obese.

According to studies, women tend to possess more fat in their bodies than men with the same BMI. Similarly, people of older age tend to have more body fat than younger people with the same BMI. So, when considering which BMI is good for women, we should also keep in mind the age and visible volume of body fat.

For example, the volume of belly fat or layers of fat that surround the abdomen might shed light on the weight status as well. When talking about belly fat, we can distinguish between visceral and subcutaneous fat. The visceral fat that surrounds the organs is found to be more dangerous than the subcutaneous fat that is under the skin.

Although BMI does not distinguish genders, slightly different BMI levels could be considered good for different groups of people based on their gender and genetic background. According to a study, Mexican-American females tend to have a different body fat distribution than white or Black females. Also, compared to white or Mexican-American women, Black women tend to possess more muscle mass.

What Is A Good BMI For Men?

A healthy range of BMI for men also falls into the interval between 18.5 and 24.9, but to assess the weight condition and the body fat mass more precisely, one needs to look at many other factors and signs of male obesity.

There are two types of male obesity:

  1. Android,
  2. Gynoid.

They are distinguished based on the fat distribution in the body. A higher volume of fat in the upper body and trunk refers to the android type, while more layers of adipose tissue in the lower parts of the body, such as the thighs and hips, are related to the gynoid type.

Men tend to develop more visceral fat and have “an apple-shaped body”, an android, or central obesity, which can lead to higher risks of cardiovascular disease. Some researchers say that men are more susceptible to obesity-related diseases than women.

Obesity is not just about weight; it is about excess body fat that can lead to a variety of diseases and hinder a person’s well-being. To identify if you have obesity and the risks associated with it, for the initial screening, you can use the body mass index; however, after that, it is important to fix this BMI and bring it back to a healthy level. There are a variety of ways you can do this.

What To Do With High BMI

Some of the traditional methods and essential steps that help fight high BMI are lifestyle modifications such as properly regulated nutrition and frequent physical activity. The issue of obesity and fat accumulation arises from excess calories that are not used by the body. Therefore, it is of prime importance to consume fewer calories or use up all the calories that the body gets. Losing as little as 5–10% of your weight can keep you away from a wide range of obesity-related diseases.

However, sometimes it is not that easy to adopt a healthy lifestyle and start the weight loss process. To accelerate the weight loss journey, one can opt for non-surgical weight loss solutions such as intragastric balloons and endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty.

How Orbera Balloon Helps Lower BMI

The Orbera intragastric balloon that gets inserted into the stomach with an endoscope through the mouth occupies a significant space in the stomach. It helps you feel full for longer and decreases the intake of food, which accelerates weight loss. There are many success stories of how this procedure changed people’s lives.

ESG Leads To Significant Weight Loss

Another way to return to a healthy range of BMI might be an endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG). The ESG procedure reduces the volume of the stomach with stitches using an endoscopic instrument. With the reduced stomach space, a patient eats less and stays satiated longer. On average, with the help of this procedure, people can lose about 40 to 70 pounds.

To reach the best results, the above-mentioned procedures should be used in combination with lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet program and regular physical exercises. Medical professionals at Simmons MD Advanced Weight Loss Solutions offer patients the Steps Lifestyle Program to help them transition smoothly to a new healthy way of life and lose weight efficiently.

Dr. Okeefe Simmons Helps You Reduce Your BMI With Innovative Approaches

BMI serves as a convenient tool for providing a rough estimate of people’s weight status. However, it is far from being precise in determining obesity status and the health risks related to it because BMI does not take into account body fat level and distribution. Not only that, women and men of different ages and even ethnic backgrounds tend to have various body compositions that should be considered before deciding if a person’s BMI is good.

In the case of having a high BMI that indicates obesity, it is necessary to make lifestyle changes and strive for significant weight loss. The best way to deal with this issue is to consult with well-trained medical specialists such as Dr. Okeefe Simmons and seek professional help to ensure the safety and efficiency of your weight loss journey.

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