gastric balloon surgery or not
28 February, 2024

Gastric Balloon: Surgery Or Not?

In the United States today, approximately 3 out of 5 adults are suffering from obesity. About 50% of American adults are currently on a diet trying to lose weight, and research shows that most overweight and obese individuals unsuccessfully attempt to lose weight on their own around 7 times.

Research has also informed us that once an individual reaches the point of obesity, it is not likely they will be able to return to a healthy weight without help. In fact, a man has a 1 in 210 chance and a woman has a 1 in 124 chance of reaching a healthy BMI on their own, and as their BMI climbs higher, the worse their odds become. For individuals with a BMI over 40, the odds become between 400% and 500% worse.

What is the answer for these individuals? They have the option of undergoing bariatric surgery, but there are qualifications to meet and risks and side effects to contend with. Fortunately, endoscopic procedures are at our disposal today that offer individuals a chance at weight loss help without surgery. Today, we would like to highlight the no-surgery gastric balloon procedure and how it can help obese individuals reach weight loss success.

Does Installing A Gastric Balloon Mean Surgery?

People often mistakenly refer to the procedure as gastric balloon surgery; however, placing a gastric balloon involves no surgery. The entire procedure is done through the patient’s mouth with the assistance of a nifty medical device called an endoscope. This device creates a clear pathway into the patient’s stomach so the doctor can install and inflate the medical-grade balloon.

Once inflated, it takes up space in the stomach, which helps the patient control the portions they eat at mealtimes and keeps them feeling full in between meals. It is only left inside the stomach for around six months and then removed. This option provides excellent temporary help compared to the permanent alterations created by surgery.

How Does This Procedure Help With Lowering Your BMI?

The balloon takes up room in the individual stomach, so they are unable to eat very much at a time, and it also slows down their digestion so they stay satisfied longer. Also, a large part of how this procedure helps you lose weight is through the program that you follow for an entire year. This teaches you strategies for eating the right types of foods in the right proportions and staying on track so you can continue making healthy lifestyle choices long-term. Even after the balloon is taken out, you continue following the program for another six months. Permanently changing your behavior, such as eating healthier and making sure physical exercise is part of your normal routine, will help you reach your weight loss goals and sustain them.

Orbera gastric balloon

What Are The Biggest Benefits When Compared To Gastric Sleeve Or Gastric Bypass?

With a gastric balloon, no surgery is involved, so there are significantly fewer risks and a much less extensive recovery time needed. It is only used temporarily, so if by chance your stomach has issues tolerating its new tenant, it can easily be removed where surgery makes alterations that are permanent. Often, the only recourse for side effects after bariatric surgery is to have another surgery.

Another benefit of the gastric balloon, the no-surgery approach is that because it is temporary, there is no risk of developing permanent nutritional deficiencies, acid reflux, or other common side effects that often occur after other weight loss surgeries.

Who Can I Speak With For More Information?

If you are seeking an option for losing weight with absolutely no surgery, a gastric balloon may be the perfect choice for you. Contact Simmons MD Advanced Weight Loss Solutions and set up an appointment to learn more about the Orbera gastric balloon.

This minimally invasive choice can help you lose weight and learn the significance of nutrition at the same time. This 12-month program can change the way you look at food and will provide you with the tools and strategies you need to get you through the challenges of sustainable weight loss. Book your appointment today and begin your journey to better health.

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