15 March, 2023

What Alternatives To Weight Loss Surgery Are Available In Miami, FL?

Weight loss is the best treatment for obesity-related illnesses but that is easier said than done. Many individuals choose to undergo a surgical procedure to help them in their quest for weight loss and many providers offer weight loss surgery in Miami. There are a significant number of patients who do not want to undergo surgery or do not qualify for bariatric surgery. This article is dedicated to individuals that are looking for less invasive ways to lose weight.

Today, we are going to go over some of the different types of bariatric surgery, the average cost of these surgeries in the United States and compare them to some non-surgical weight loss options offered in Miami at Simmons MD Advanced Weight Loss Solutions.

America’s Out Of Control Obesity Problem

It is no secret that obesity is out of control in the United States and has progressively gotten worse year after year. What is most concerning about this is that obesity increases the risk of experiencing many serious diseases and disorders. As a result, obesity ranks in second place for the highest form of preventable premature death.

Patients who suffer from obesity often contract type II diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, stroke, and many other serious medical conditions which send the costs of healthcare spending soaring. 23% of the total medical spending in the U.S. is attributed to obesity-related healthcare costs.

Bariatric Surgery Is One Solution To Help Curtail Obesity

By CDC guidelines, many individuals are overweight because they consume more calories than they burn. This can become a habit that begins in our childhood and gradually becomes worse until our weight has reached concerning levels.

The best way to combat obesity is to create behavior patterns that promote healthy living, which includes controlling portions, choosing low-calorie nutritious foods, and engaging in an adequate amount of physical activity.

Research has indicated that obesity may be caused by conditions that are not within a patient’s control. Once a patient has reached a certain BMI level, it is almost impossible for them to lower it without some type of medical intervention such as bariatric surgery.

What Types Of Bariatric Surgery Are Available In Miami?

This article is intended to highlight the advantages of non-surgical weight loss options in Miami that are performed endoscopically, however, we need to have a baseline for comparison. Surgical bariatric procedures are more invasive, more expensive, and have longer recovery times.

1. The Gastric Lap Band
This surgical procedure reduces the usable portion of the patient’s stomach by wrapping a silicone band around the upper portion of the stomach. This band can be tightened and adjusted and prevents the patient from eating too much during one meal. The average cost of lap band surgery in the United States ranges between $8,900-29, 000.
2. The Gastric Sleeve (Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy or VSG)
Gastric Sleeve Surgery is also known as laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy or LSG. The surgeon permanently removes about 70-75% of the patient’s stomach and then staples the remaining edges together to make a small sleeve-like pouch. Gastric sleeve surgery promotes weight loss by restricting the amount of food a patient can eat at one time. The average cost of gastric sleeve surgery in the Nation is $9,000-27,000.
3. Gastric Bypass Surgery (Roux-en-Y)
Similar to gastric sleeve surgery, the patient’s stomach size is permanently reduced, leaving only about ¼ of its original size. Next, the surgeon reroutes some of the intestines to bypass much of the normal digestion process. The patient is not able to eat as much and because the intestines are rerouted, the body cannot absorb all the calories that were ingested. These two elements (restrictive and malabsorptive) work together to promote weight loss. The national average in the U.S. for gastric bypass surgery ranges between $15,000-35,000.
4. Duodenal Switch (BPD/DS)
Biliopancreatic diversion with a duodenal Switch is the most invasive form of bariatric surgery and is often referred to as the duodenal switch. This bariatric procedure begins with a gastric sleeve surgery that reduces the size of the patient’s stomach and then the surgeon reroutes two sections of the digestive tract to prevent the absorption of a substantial number of calories. The duodenal switch offers the highest weight loss potential compared to other bariatric surgeries. In the United States, the cost of duodenal switch surgery averages between $22,000-42, 000.

Non-Surgical Weight Loss Options In Miami

Weight loss options that do not require surgery can be beneficial to many patients. They offer less-invasive, safe, and effective means of weight loss at a lower financial obligation. Non-surgical weight loss procedures are also reversible compared to the permanent alterations made during bariatric surgery.

These non-surgical weight loss procedures are performed with the use of an endoscope. An endoscope is a long flexible hose-like tool that is outfitted with a light and a camera that is lowered down a patient’s throat. The endoscope’s hollow design allows the surgeon’s tools access to the procedure location without the use of any incisions. During an endoscopic procedure, the tiny camera sends real-time video to a monitor located near the surgeon so they can see exactly what they are doing.

Simmons Advanced Weight Loss Solutions offers the following non-surgical weight loss options in Miami:

1. The Orbera Weight Loss Balloon
A deflated silicone balloon is lowered down an endoscope and placed into the target location of a patient’s stomach. This balloon is then inflated using a sterile saline solution until it takes up about 2/3 of the available stomach capacity.

The balloon takes up space which helps the patient feel full and prevents them from eating too much in one sitting. The Orbera balloon is left in the patient’s stomach for six months while they simultaneously participate in a supervised program that helps them learn healthy lifestyle habits that help promote weight loss.The outpatient procedure is performed in about 30 minutes so there is no hospital stay and patients return home the same day. Most patients can resume their normal routine in just a few days.

After the balloon is removed from the patient’s stomach, they continue to participate in the supervised program for an additional six months. The goal for these patients is for the healthy lifestyle behaviors they have learned to become habits that will facilitate long-term weight loss and maintenance. The average cost of a gastric weight loss balloon in the U.S. ranges from $6,000 and $9,500.

2. Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG)
ESG has been gaining popularity and making headlines because of the weight loss success stories it has generated. This non-surgical procedure provides almost identical results to gastric sleeve surgery but does not involve the permanent removal of any part of the patient’s stomach.

The surgeon accesses the patient’s stomach through the endoscope which is gently placed down the throat. Their stomach is then manipulated and shaped into a smaller sleeve-like pouch and held in place with sutures that are administered endoscopically through a special device.

The smaller stomach capacity helps control the amount the individual can eat at one time and helps them stay feeling satisfied longer. The outpatient procedure normally takes under an hour. Patients do not need to spend the night in the hospital and can go home on the same day as the procedure. Recovery normally takes under a week and there are very few, if any, activity restrictions. Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG) costs range from $7,000-15,000 in the United States, with the average cost close to $12,000.

Medical Weight Loss Therapy In Miami

Sometimes, all a patient might need is a little bit of extra help to jump-start weight loss. Prescription weight loss medication may be able to help those patients who have tried traditional methods of weight loss but have been unsuccessful.

The most effective form of weight loss medication available today is prescription injections that are administered under the skin once a week. These medications were formerly used to treat patients with type 2 diabetes but also resulted in weight loss.

Patients begin their weight loss medication at the lowest dose and gradually increase their dose until reaching the maximum. These medications have common side effects such as nausea and vomiting so using a dosing schedule advised by a physician helps most patients mitigate the risk of these side effects.

Weight loss medications work by helping to curb hunger and promote fat metabolization. These medications are meant to be used under the supervision of a doctor who is trained in obesity management.

Weight loss medications can also be used with the Orbera balloon or ESG for optimal results. In a recent trial, Wegovy was used in conjunction with ESG, and the patients that used both lost 26% more weight than those that had ESG alone.

The non-surgical Orbera balloon and ESG procedures offer significant weight loss results to patients who do not wish to undergo surgery or would not qualify for surgery due to their health or other reasons.

If you are struggling with weight loss or are suffering from obesity and any obesity-related condition, set up a consultation with Simmons Advanced Weight Loss Solutions in Miami. We offer comprehensive programs including non-surgical weight-loss procedures that can help you lose weight without the risks or complications associated with surgery.

To learn more about the non-surgical weight loss options we offer in Miami including the Orbera balloon procedure, endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG), or medical weight loss programs, contact us today.

We are here to support your weight loss journey and will provide you with an individualized plan that is tailored to best help you accomplish your weight loss goals.

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